What answers can psychoeducational assessment provide?
A psychoeducational assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of cognitive, academic, behavioural, social, emotional, and adaptive functioning. It can provide answers to a variety of questions such as:
Why is a student struggling academically (e.g. difficultiess with reading, writing or math)?
Is the student gifted and how can programming be designed so they meet their full potential
What is causing behaviour or social difficulties?
Why is it so hard to focus or be organized?
There may be an underlying diagnosis that you may never have heard of or expect, such as a learning disability, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or autism. Any diagnosis would be fully explained and recommendations for support made. The assessment to determine whether a student meets criteria for giftedness is less comprehensive, but very informative in helping a student reach full potential.
How are answers obtained and provided?
Intake Interview: This usually takes an hour and involves meeting with the student (school age or older), and/or legal guardian(s) to discuss the process and fees, obtain informed consent, background information and an understanding of the presenting issue. Supporting documentation such as report cards, transcripts, or previous reports from health professionals should be brought to this interview.
Individual Assessment Sessions: The client meets with the psychologist to complete one on one testing and to clinically observe the client. To assure optimal functioning, breaks are provided and sessions may occur on different days. Total testing time ranges from 6 to 8 hours, depending on the referral question and the needs of the child. Gifted assessments take considerably less time.
Scoring and Preparation of the Report: The psychologist compiles all of the data collected and formulates a report in a timely manner, which may or may not include a psychological diagnosis. Recommendations and strategies will be provided in the report.
Feedback Meeting: The psychologist, client and guardians (where applicable) meet to discuss the results of the psychoeducational assessment, recommendations, strategies , and possible referrals to relevant professionals or organizations. A written psychoeducational assessment report will also be provided. (Approximately one hour).
Contact me for a free 15-minute consultation to see if a psychoeducational assessment can provide the answers you are seeking.